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Cobwebb supply a program COBAUUSERQ which will retrieve retrieve Aurora User Output Queue & Library from the User Profile file APG05L00 in library AULAMF2 [or similar]. Note: We have to supply this as program source as this needs to be compiled over your version of Aurora files.
Creating the program
If you look in QUSRTOOLLE source file in library CPPD you will see the source for a program called COBAUUSERQ. In order to use this program you will need to compile it over your version of Aurora i.e. have the correct Aurora library in the library list where the APG05L00 file resides [usually AULAMF2].
We would suggest that you compile this program into the library COBEXIT which is the library name that is most commonly used for Cobwebb Exit Programs.
Note: Please do not compile it into library CPPD otherwise this will be lost when you next upgrade the Cobwebb Server software.
The program will then need to be owned by AULOWNER and have the USRPRF parameter set to be *OWNER in order for CPPD to be able to access the data. You can do this either when you compile the program or by using the CHGPGM command and pressing F4.
If you require any help with the above process please call or email and we will be please to assist you.
Defining the program in your PPD
This exit program must be called by a Print Output Device in your PPD passing in the User for whom you wish to retrieve the Output Queue information and the Library name where the file APG05L00 may be found in the Destination address element.
Parameter |
In |
Len |
Out |
Aurora Field Name |
Destination |
User Id / Library Note: The User ID must be specified in positions 1 – 10 and the Library name where the file APG05L00 may be found in positions 11 – 20. |
50 |
Output Queue |
10 |
Output Queue |
PRQU05 |
Output Queue Lib |
10 |
Output Queue Lib |
PLIB05 |
Output Device |
10 |
Forms Type |
10 |
User Data |
10 |
Hold Print |
4 |
Save print |
4 |
Duplex |
7 |
Drawer |
5 |
No of copies |
3(0) |
Error Flag |
1 |
How the program works
First the program will override the file AP05L00 to the library name specified. Then using the User ID it will try to retrieve the Output Queue details. If a record does not exist for the User ID specified, or the Output Queue entry is blank, then no information will be returned.