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This command must be run on the IBM i and can be used to create a PTF of objects (programs, files etc.) that are required to be applied to a system. This would normally be run by a Cobwebb Consultant and the PTF supplied to the customer in the form of a CPPDPTF file which should be placed in the QDLS/CPPD folder on the IBM i. These PTFs can then be restored using the RSTPPDPTF command.
If you have several objects to include then it is usually easiest to copy all objects that you wish to include into a separate library before creating the PTF. Note: All objects that you wish to include must exist in the same library.
Make sure that you have the CPPD library in your library list. To do this, enter the following command: -
If the library already exists in your library list, you will receive an error message, which you may ignore.
Next enter CRTPPDPTF and press F4=Prompt.
Command Parameters
Object names to save (OBJ)
The name of the objects that you wish to be saved. You may enter up to twenty objects but they must all be found in the same library.
Library (LIB)
The library name where your objects reside.
Object types (OBJTYP)
If you only wish to save a specific object type then you can enter it here, otherwise just leave the default of *ALL to save all object types.
CPPD Object Owner (OBJOWN)
The user profile you wish to be the owner of the objects in the PTF - should be left as CPPDOBJOWN.
CPPD Object Owner [*SECADM] (SECOWN)
The user profile you wish to be the owner of the objects in the PTF requiring *SECADM authority - should be left as QSECOFR.
CPPD System User [SBS jobs] (SYSUSR)
The user profile you wish to be assigned to any Job Descriptions in the PTF - should be left as CPPDMM.
Save file (SAVF)
The name of the Save file that you wish to use to create this PTF. The Save file will be created if it is not found or cleared if it is found. The default is CPPDPTF and this will be created in the library QTEMP.
Document (DOC)
Enter the name of the document to which you wish to copy your PTF data. The default entry is CPPDPTF. If the document already exists then the previous data will be overwritten. If you wish to use the RSTPPDPTF command to restore you PTF then we suggest that this is left as CPPDPTF.
Folder (FLR)
Enter the name of the folder where the document should be created. The default is the folder CPPD.
Target Release (TGTRLS)
Enter the release of the operating that you wish to be able to restore to. The current default is v6R1M0 but this may change via a Cobwebb Server upgrade if required.