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Email confirmation works in different ways depending upon the Confirmation type selected. This is set in the Destination tab of the Email Output Device in your PPD design.

Delivery Confirmation (Type 20)

POSTIE3, the program that sends emails, adds a delivery confirmation request to the email header.

The Recipients Mail Box sends an email containing a delivery confirmation to the senders email address, but ONLY if configured to do so. Nowadays servers are rarely configured to respond to Delivery Confirmation Requests.

Read Confirmation (Type 30)

POSTIE3, the program that sends emails, adds a read confirmation request to the email header

The Recipients Mail Client sends an email containing a read confirmation to the senders email address, but ONLY if configured to do so, and usually after asking the recipient via a dialog box. Note: Gmail does not even ask, but never returns a read confirmation. This is not unusual.

User Defined Confirmation (Type 10)

In order for this type of email confirmation to work emails must be written to the Cobwebb Queue before sending. 6. Work with system parameters | 1. System Parameters | 2. Email parameters | "Display queue reference" - Must be set to Y(es)

POSTIE3, the program that sends emails, does not add any special headers.

The recipient is required to press reply and send the email back to the sender. Although more manual, this is by far the most successful method of receiving a Confirmation.

CPPD Subsystem Jobs


This is configured via 6. Work with system parameters | 1. System Parameters | 2. Email parameters | "Email confirmation API" - Must be set to Y(es)

Watches the /QDLS/CPPD/CNFAPI folder and for each file it receives, extracts the timestamp and TQREF. If the TQREF matches a message with status SR, it changes the status to SC.


This is configured via 6. Work with system parameters | 1. System Parameters | 2. Email parameters | "POP3 mail monitor" - Must be set to Y(es)

Monitors a single POP3 email mailbox and for each email it receives, it searches for a Delivery Confirmation, Read Confirmation or TQREF in the subject. If found it creates a file in /QDLS/CPPD/CNFAPI named after the TQREF and containing the date and time the email was received, along with the TQREF. If a TQREF is not found, then the entire email is copied to /QDLS/CPPD/CNFAPI/ERRORS. Obviously the POP3 email mailbox monitored should match the senders email address.