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The Insert menu allows you to add Elements to your PPD some of which may also be accessed via the Toolbars:

Elements are the basic building blocks of Cobwebb Designer.


Menu Option



Spooled File Element

Selects an area of the spooled file from the Input pane and position it on the Output pane. Only available if you are focused on the Input pane.


Eraser Element

Inserts an Eraser element into the output pane. Only available if you are focused on the Output pane.


Loop Element

Inserts a Loop element into the Input and Output pane.


Conditional Element

Inserts a Conditional element into the Input pane.


Image Element

Inserts an Image element into the Output pane.


Static Text Element

Inserts Static text into the Output pane. Only available if you are focused on the Output pane.


Output Device element

Output Device Element

Inserts an Output Device element into the Explorer Window.

Exit Program element

Exit Program Element

Inserts a Exit Program element into the Explorer Window.

Exit Parameter Element

Inserts an Exit Program parameter element into the input pane and optionally the  Output pane.


Variable Element

Inserts a Variable into the Input pane.


Address Element

Inserts an Output device Address element into the output pane. Only available if you are focused on the Output pane.


Remark element

Remark Element

Inserts a Remark element into the Explorer Window.

Trace element

Trace Element

Inserts a Trace element into the Explorer Window

Barcode Element

Inserts a Barcode into the output pane.


Resource element

Resource Element

Inserts an Image resource into the output pane.

XML Element

Inserts an XML element into the input pane.


XML Attribute

Inserts an XML attribute element into the input pane.


XML Instruction

Inserts an XML Processing Instruction element into the input pane.

XML Comment

Inserts an XML Comment element into the input pane.


XML Text

Inserts XML Text element into the input pane.



Import Text File...

This will allow you to import a text file as Static Text Elements into your PPD. This can be extremely useful when trying to set up Thermal Label instructions.