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Printing to Thermal Label Printers

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Output to a Zebra (or any other thermal / label printer) is a simple enough process, providing you know the ZPL language or have a piece of software that you export the ZPL from.

Your design will need to include a lot of lines of Static Text on the output pane with the ZPL code and embedded data copied from the spooled file if needed. You can create all this by hand if needed by using the ZPL manuals, but this can be a bit labour intensive.

There are many programs available which facilitate the designing of thermal labels compatible with each printer model. You can then export out the code into a text document which in turn can be output to the Cobwebb Designer.

One you have this text file of code, this can be imported into your design as multiple lines of static text by selecting Import Text File from the Insert menu in the Cobwebb Designer. This can then be edited as required to include the data from the spooled file.

We have added a Sample PPD of using ZPL printing with data copied from a spooled file to the Cobwebb Knowledgebase.

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