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¶A0 - ¶A1 |
Turn ‘Align characters to grid' Off and On (used to position variable pitch characters to a specific grid position). |
¶CAn-n |
Insert Barcode A. n-n is the number to be Barcoded (the length is specified in the Barcode File). |
¶EFF0000 |
Where FF0000 is the colour. |
¶F0 - ¶F9 |
Fonts 0 - 9 |
¶Gnnnnnnnn |
Insert Graphic where nnnnnn is the graphic name. |
¶Pnnnnnnnn |
PPD Name where nnnnnn is the PPD name. |
¶R0 - ¶R9 |
Specifies the active Printer Resource. Using Printer Resources significantly improves printing speed when printing overlays using AFP. |
¶U0 - ¶U1 |
Turn ‘Underline' Off and On |
¶X00030003 |
First 4 characters are the Line offset second four the column offset |
The Text Enhancement codes work in conjunction with the Graphics, Font, Barcode and Printer Resource files. (See PPD file maintenance menu).