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Select spooled file (FILE)

Enter the name of your spooled file or *ALL. Specify the name of the spooled file to be converted using CRTPPD. The spooled file can be specified uniquely in the following parameters, or use '*' in the Job number to select the last spooled file created in the current job (See the  IBM CPYSPLF command for more details of selecting using * in the Job number).

Job name (JOB)

Enter the specific Job name relating to the spooled file or * to select the current job.


If a Job name is specified then you must enter the specific User name relating to the spooled file.


If a Job name is specified then you must enter the specific Job number relating to the spooled file.

Spooled number (SPLNBR)

Enter the specific spooled number relating to the spooled file (1 – 9999), *ONLY to select the ONLY available spooled number (error if more than one) or *LAST to select the LAST spooled number created by the Job.

Spooled file status (SPLSTS)

Select the final spooled file(s) status.  Enter *DLT if you wish to delete the selected spooled file(s) after processing, *SAV to set the selected spooled file(s) status to SAVED after processing, *HLD to set selected spooled file(s) status to HELD after processing and *MOV to move the spooled file to another Output queue.  If you use *MOV you must then enter the Output queue and Library (MOUTQ) for the move.

PPD file name (PPDNAM)

The default file name is APRTPDM and should not be changed.


The default library name is CPPD and should not be changed.

Member name

Specify the name of the PPD file containing the PPD instructions for converting this spooled file.