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WRKHLDQ - Work with Held Email

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You wish to test that the email output from a Cobwebb Design (PPD) is correct before you go live and send the email to external recipients but you don’t want to have to change the Email Output Device details in the PPD to perform the test.


Firstly you run the PPD in Test Mode which will automatically hold any email output on the Cobwebb Queue without you having to actually change the Email Output Device in the PPD.

Now you can view the Cobwebb Queue via the Work with Queue and check that the Recipient information is correct (Option 1) but you cannot see what the attachment looks like without sending the email to yourself.

Again you don’t want to have to change all the Recipient information in your PPD in order to send the email to a different Recipient i.e. you.

From version 6.2.88 - WRKHLDQ displays all Held emails that have never been sent, grouped by PPD Name, User Name and Date Queued. If there is a description for the PPD then this is also displayed.


Select one of the following options.

Note: If there is more than one email on the queue with the same PPD Name, User Name and Date Queued then, any option you take will be applied to all emails in the group.

2=Change Recipient email details

Allows you to enter a different recipient email address & name, say your own, so that you can check if the attachment is correct. It will also remove any additional email addresses that may have been written to the Cobwebb Queue so that only one email is sent.


This option will delete and archive all emails in the group. Once they have been archived you will not be able to retrieve them to send them again.

6=Release emails

Releases all emails in the group regardless of whether or not you have changed the Recipient details so be careful it is what you want to do. Normally you would first select Option 2 to change the Recipient details before releasing them.


A display of all Held emails that have never been sent, grouped by PPD Name, User Name and Date Queued. If there is a description for the PPD then this is also displayed.

Function keys


Exits the Work with held email queue entries.


Refreshes the list of entries

Page Up

Scrolls up through the list

Page Down

Scrolls down through the list