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Cobwebb Server Software Version 6.2.70 or above

You may configure a job to run in the Cobwebb subsystem via the Work with Job Launcher which allows you to call a program at a frequency defined by the polling interval for the job. This can be useful if you wish to run the same job say every hour and you don't want to have to add the code to delay the job and check for the subsystem end. This is all done behind the scenes. All you need to do is to create a program with a single error parameter. Any other parameters can be defined via the Maintaining Job Launcher Parameters.

Cobwebb Server Software Version 6.2.68 or above

Use the Work with Cobwebb Job Scheduler to schedule jobs to be run in a similar way to the IBM Work with Job Schedule Entries. The benefit of configuring jobs via the Cobwebb Job Scheduler is that all of the job details are held in the Cobwebb library (CPPD) which means that, if you need to change your server, restoring a backup of the Cobwebb library will also contain all your Cobwebb Job Scheduler entries. Note: These jobs will not necessarily run in the Cobwebb subsystem but the job that checks for entries JOBSCD, and the job that checks they have finished JOBSCDSTS do.

For Older Versions of the Cobwebb Server Software

If your version is prior to the above then there is still a way of running a bespoke job in the Cobwebb Subsystem. All you need to do is to create a program called STRSBSUSR and place it in the CPPD library. You will find a Sample CLP program source for STRSBSUSR in the file QUSRTOOL in library CPPD.

Please copy the source from QUSRTOOL in CPPD to your own source library, such as COBEXIT, in order that this is not lost when a Cobwebb Document Management Server upgrade is performed.

SBMJOB     CMD(CALL PGM(FLRMON) PARM('/test/flrmon' +  
            '/test/flrmon/failed' 'PRTTXTFC' +  
            'COBEXIT' '1')) JOBD(CPPD/STRSBSUSR) +    
            CPPD QGPL QTEMP)      

All you will need to do is to replace the CMD entry to call a program of your choice. In the above example it is calling the FLRMON the Cobwebb Folder Monitor.

Please remember to add any relevant library lists to the INLLIBL entry which must also include CPPD, QGPL & QTEMP.

Do not change the Job Description as this ensures that the job will run in the CPPD subsystem with the correct User Profile CPPDMM.

Compile the program into the CPPD library. The program must be owned by the CPPD Object Owner [CPPDOBJOWN].

Note: This complied program will be preserved during any Cobwebb Document Management Server upgrade process.