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The Cobwebb Server subsystem (usually CPPD) runs all the configured automated jobs required for your Cobwebb Document Management environment to run successfully.
Starting / Ending the subsystem will start/stop all subsystem processes, do not use *IMMED when ending the subsystem as any process running (see Notes below) may not complete correctly and also damage to objects can occur e.g. email or faxes in transmission will be terminated. Use STRSBS CPPD or ENDSBS CPPD manually or include them within your own routines.
Depending on your Cobwebb Document Management environment you will see some of the following jobs running in Subsystem CPPD when you type WRKSBSJOB CPPD:-
1.If you have Cobwebb Fax then you will see a Job Name for each Fax Description that is Online in the Work with Communication Lines.
2.If you have entries in Work with Folder Monitor then you will see a Job Name for each Program Name that is Online.
3.If you have entries in Work with Job Launcher then you will see a Job Name for each Program Name that is Online.
4.If you have entries in With with Spool File Monitor using a different Data Queue from SPLMON then you will see a Job Name for each Data Queue that is Online.
Job Name |
Description |
Monitors the COBWEBB data queue and processes any entries. |
Hosts the Cobwebb Web Service. |
Handles Email Confirmation. Only runs if the Email Confirmation API entry has been selected. See the topic How Email Confirmation Works. |
If you do not wish to store your logos or form overlays in the Ascom fax modem then this job will be used to convert any image used in a fax and send it to the modem. |
This is used by the Cobwebb Docstore module and is mainly responsible for deleting retired documents. |
Places emails on the Cobwebb Queue. Only runs if Enable Email Queue has been selected. |
Sends emails from the Cobwebb Queue to the SMTP Mail Server. Only runs if Enable Email Queue has been selected. You may have more than one of these is you have Email configured to run more than one Email Job - see PPD Security. Note: This used to be STREML. |
This job runs if you have selected to run the Spooled file fax monitor. This has been superseded by the Spool File Monitor. |
Monitors the Cobwebb Job Schedule entries. (From version 6.2.68 of the Server software only.) |
Monitors the status of jobs initiated by the Cobwebb Job Scheduler. (From version 6.2.70 of the Server software only.) Only runs if the Job Scheduler Job Monitor entry has been set to Y. |
Monitors the fax line(s) and dynamically re-starts them if they are not responding. |
Monitors the SMTP mail server for confirmation messages. Only runs if POP3 Mail Monitor has been selected. See the topic How Email Confirmation Works. |
Monitors the sending of faxes from a Windows application using the Cobwebb Fax printer driver. |
Handles the TCP/IP export from the Cobwebb Designer. |
If you have installed Cobwebb Fax without Cobwebb Document Management then this job will monitor your spooled files for faxing. |
Handles the placing of fax messages on the Cobwebb Queue. |
Processes all the ‘online’ Spool File Monitor jobs that have been set-up. |
Superseded by EMLSND - Sends emails from the Cobwebb Queue to the SMTP Mail Server. Only runs if Enable Email Queue has been selected. |
Superseded by jobs with the Fax Description as the Job Name. Sends faxes from the Cobwebb Queue when using Facsimile Support. |
Runs a user specific job in the CPPD subsystem. Only appears if a STRSBSUSR program exists. |