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Call Cancel codes are used by the Fax & Email communication programs to control the frequency of retries. This can be found from the Cobwebb Fax & Email Menu - System Maintenance - Maintenance Menu - Option 2.

Select "1" to work with Fax call cancelled codes and "2" for Email.

Cobwebb Fax processes the error codes sent by Facsimile Support/400 and the Ascom Fax Modem and converts these into a single character code (AZ).  These codes reflect the information received by the Fax modem from the telephone exchange and may not always make sense the first time, several attempts may be required to determine the exact cause of failure.

The retries defined here determine the way your system operates, they should not be changed without being aware of the implications.

Some countries require the use RED/BLACK lists in the Facsimile Support/400 software after a certain number of retries.  Once this number is reached the number will not be retried until the Facsimile Support/400 subsystem is stopped and restarted.

Cobwebb Email processes the error codes sent by the SMTP Mail Server.

Position to

Enter one or more characters from which to start the display.


Select one of the following options:


Enables you to create a new Cancel Code (this is not normally necessary as all possible Cancel Codes are displayed).  This entry is only valid on the top line of the display.


Use this option to revise a Cancel Code.


Use this option to delete a Cancel Code.


Cancel Code

The Call Cancel Code.


The description of the Call Cancel Code.  This is displayed from the Cobwebb queue display and may be changed if required.

Retry after (mins)

The number of minutes before the FIRST retry.

Retry every (mins)

The number of minutes before every subsequent retry.

Retry for (hrs.mins)

The number of hours and minutes to continue retrying.

Function keys


Ignores any choices typed on the current display, and exits Work with Call Cancelled Codes.


Ignores any choices typed and exits Work with Call Cancelled Codes.

Page Up

Displays the next page of details.

Page Down

Displays the previous page of details.

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