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A Call Unit Identity (CUI) is the number from which an incoming Fax has been received (providing the sender has programmed his Fax Machine to send it). This can be found from the Cobwebb Fax & Email Menu - System Maintenance - Maintenance Menu - Option 3.

Adding CUI's to this file will enable one or more users to receive a message to their fax queue, or office mailbox to inform them that a fax has arrived from that CUI.

An entry with *ALL as the CUI will cause a message to be sent every time an incoming fax is received.

Position to

Enter one or more characters from which to start the display.


Select one of the following options:


Enables you to create a new Call Unit Identity.  This entry is only valid on the top line of the display.


Use this option to revise a Call Unit Identity.


Use this option to delete a Call Unit Identity.


Call Unit Identity

The number programmed into the fax machine from which the fax will be received.  This number will generally have to be copied from the top of a received fax since the format of the number, e.g. where the spaces have been put between the numbers, must be copied exactly.

*ANY entered as the CUI will cause a message to be sent every time a Fax is received.


The description of the CUI, this will appear as the description on the office distribution.  Maximum 44 characters.

User Profile

The user profile to which the notify message is sent.


No message is sent


A message is sent to the current user.

User Id

The User Id of the office user to receive the distribution.  Leave blank if office distribution not required.  *CURRENT use the Userid and Address of the current user.

User Address

The Address for the above office user to receive the distribution.  

Delete after use

If the user requires to be notified of the receipt of a fax just once, he may add the CUI with instructions for it to be deleted once the fax has been received.


Do not delete the CUI when the fax has been sent.


Delete the CUI when the fax has been sent.


If you specify a valid QDLS folder path then the incoming fax will be copied to this location.

Send distribution

Enter a Y if you wish to notify the user, in the above User Id and User Address entries, of the incoming fax.

Function keys


Ignores any choices typed on the current display, and exits Work with Call Cancelled Codes.


Ignores any choices typed and exits Work with Call Cancelled Codes.

Page Up

Displays the next page of details.

Page Down

Displays the previous page of details.