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Spool File Monitor Troubleshooting

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Analysing the problem

There are three main areas for troubleshooting.

1.IBM i – Including the Applications (e.g. Infor System 21) and Output Queues monitored by SPLMON.


3.Multiple Output queues or devices

Troubleshooting should be started in the same sequence as above, starting with the IBM i application and spool file monitor.

Is the application spooled file being sent to the correct output queue or device?

On your IBM i terminal enter WRKOUTQ and the name of your Output queue to see if the spooled file that you wish to process is there.

Is the spooled file in Ready status?

Again WRKOUTQ will answer this question.

Is the spooled file monitor ‘online’?

Go to the CPPD menu on the IBM i. Select ‘6 – PPD file maintenance’, then ‘5 - Work with spool file monitor’. Check that the status says ‘Online

Is there a CPPD security violation?

Enter WRKSBSJOB CPPD and check for any job called ERROR - from version 6.2.60.

Display the QSYSOPR message queue for any messages concerning CPPD Security Violations.

To request a new Security code from Cobwebb please see Requesting a new Cobwebb Server Security Code for details.

Is the CPPD subsystem running?

Enter WRKSBSJOB CPPD. Check that there is an ‘Active’ SPLMON job.

Is there an ERROR job running in the CPPD subsystem? Older version may just have a 'CPPD Violation Error' in the QSYSOPR message queue.

This means that you have an issue with the Cobwebb Server Security Code. To request a new Security Code from Cobwebb please see Requesting a new Cobwebb Server Security Code for details.

If the all the answers to the previous questions are Yes (apart from the CPPD security violation question, which should be No) then you need to look at CPPD.

Display the SPLMON joblog.

Enter WRKSBSJOB CPPD and place a 5 beside the SPLMON job to display the job. Select 10 to display the joblog and then press F10 for details. Check for any error messages.

Enabling Trace Mode for the SPLMON job

If you have added Trace elements to your design or wish to see extra detail in the joblog for the Spooled File Monitor then you can switch on debugging.

If this job is running correctly and there are no error messages then you need to check the output. The following checks will depend upon the type of output you are expecting. (E.g. print, fax)

Printed Output

Faxed Output

Emailed Output

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