When was the last time you reviewed the documents you are sending to your customers and suppliers?
We recently received a purchase order and remittance advice from two customers using Cobwebb Document Management. The first looked great – simple layout, good font and text alignment, etc. The second looked a bit tired, which led us to thinking about the question: what do customers and suppliers think when they look at your documents?
The good looking purchase order reflected a business that was doing well and was well organised, the tired remittance advice made me think that things were maybe slipping a bit. It is just an impression and probably not reality, but these impressions matter more than ever.
We recommend you take a look at your customer and supplier facing documents and ask yourself do they look good? Do they have the right logos and company information on them and does everything line up?
If the answer is no to any of the above questions, then get in touch and we can advise you what to do next. Our advice is free and we have lots of great ideas to give you. Contact us.