Aurora upgrade implications for CPPD
The only area to focus on when upgrading to Aurora from System 21 are Exit Programs used within the PPD designs. Exit Programs are RPG routines that facilitate the retrieval of data for inclusion on document output…...
Check number of members in AEMLDOC
CPPD/Email Check number of members in AEMLDOC Prompt Command. Enter DSPFD and press F4. Enter AEMLDOC into the File field. Enter CPPD into the Library field. Enter *ATR into the Type of information field. Press Enter…...
Check the number of members in AFAXDOC
CPPD/Fax Check number of members in AFAXDOC Prompt Command. Enter DSPFD and press F4. Enter AFAXDOC into the File field. Enter CPPD into the Library field. Enter *ATR into the Type of information field. Press…...
COBAUUSERQ – Retrieve Aurora User Output Queue
Cobwebb provide some program source for retrieving the Aurora Output Queue and Library for a specific User ID. Please download document for details...
Creating a thermal print output queue
CPPD/Print Creating a thermal print output queue Enter the following command: CRTOUTQ OUTQ(CPPD/CPPDTH) RMTSYS(*INTNETADR) RMTPRTQ('LPT1') CNNTYPE(*IP) DESTTYPE(*OTHER) MFRTYPMDL(*WSCST) WSCST(CPPD/CPPDTH1) INTNETADR(‘Your IP’) SEPPAGE(*NO) TEXT('CPPD Thermal Printing output queue')...